Rahva Raamat, Estonia

The largest bookstore in Estonia

December 2021

We are very pleased to announce that Rahva Raamat bookshop chain in Estonia has implemented their new retail concept at Viru Keskus shopping centre, Tallinn, Estonia.

 We worked with Rahva Raamat some years ago creating their new generation ‘Blueprint’ bookshop concept offering new customer experience.

This experimental concept focuses on the store layout with customer routing patterns that have inbuilt areas of calm, the shop fixture system is designed to be highly functional, with lighting designed to control the ambience. Store layout, product hierarchy, categorisation and visual merchandising principles are built on the foundation of making it easy for customers to shop. The instore café and book launch areas are integrated into the wider retail offer. The store ambience and customer experience was at the centre of the design process, while always integrating commercialism in to the store.

Cosy and warm, with considered lighting, comfortable seating areas with task lights, carpets laid on various pattens to differentiate the product zones, the store is commercially sound and functions incredibly well. We are very proud of Rahva Raamat to finally bring the design ideas to life.

see more at Rahva Raamat – Viru Keskus




KVB Design Ltd
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Oxfordshire  |  RG9 1UR  |  United Kingdom

info@kvbdesign.co.uk  |  T: +44 (0) 1491 598 290